Week 51 - the letter "Z" |
I'm choosing to write about my kids - Z and K. For the record, they are my step kids but I honestly couldn't love them more if they were my own. And, technically, they are my soon-to-be ex-step kids since their father and I have separated and will be divorcing at some point. Z is an almost 19 year old college freshman and K is a 15 year old high school sophomore. I've been in their lives since they were 6, almost 7, and 3.
Why write about them in regards to my spirituality? Well, for one, they are the two most important people in my life. They are my family and have been involved with Paganism in some way since our lives joined together. They have participated in rituals and study groups. They have asked questions and discovered their own paths to explore and own. One of my proudest Pagan Mama moments was when the two of them worked together to create and perform an Ostara ritual for our family.
The four of us would have family classes to learn more about Paganism and explore different ideas. We have done some family rituals and were working towards establishing a family tradition of sorts. Because of the changes in our lives, that isn't something we are actively working towards at the time. I haven't spoken with them to see if it is something they would like to continue.
Did we actively raise the children to be Pagan? Nope. We encouraged them to find what worked for them. We supported them as they were in different Christian-based youth groups. They were never forced to attend a Pagan gathering or class. I don't know that I would call us a Pagan family but the roots are there.
My kids are tied to my spirituality because they are tied to me. They are open-minded, smart, and passionate kids who are making their way in the world. Z is exploring the Druid tradition and K has felt an affinity to Persephone. I don't know if either we stay on a Pagan or Pagan-like path and I don't care. I'm just glad that we have been able to share that connection and it will always remain a link between the three of us.
At some point, I want to honor this connection with them with a tattoo or a piece of jewelry. I've seen some designs that are referred to as the Celtic symbol for motherhood. From Inked Weddings:
Celtic Motherhood Knot Design: Traditionally, it is one of two hearts intertwined together; the lines seemingly have no openings, so they strongly signify an unbreakable bond. One heart is lower than the first heart and both hearts are intertwined in a continuous knot. Children are denoted by a dot which can be inside or outside the heart design.
Variations are hearts, starts, flowers, initials, zodiac symbols, colored dots symbolizing the birthstone or their names instead of the traditional dots. The variations and possibilities are endless and limited only by your imagination. A phrase you can incorporate into your motherhood knot design is: Grá Máthair which translated from Gaelic, means “A mother’s love”. Or you can use, Grá Mo Chroí which means the “love of my heart” or “my love, my darling”. Is there any love greater then that of a mother and her children? There is an old Irish saying that says ” A mother holds her children’s hands for a little while and their hearts forever.”I like the design and symbolism a great deal. I don't know if it is a route that I will go or not but it is something to consider. My bond with the kids is important to me on every level and I'd like to proclaim that with something creative and unique.
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