Monday, February 9, 2015


Week 5 - the letter "C" is for Correspondence
Correspondence is another thing that falls into an annoying category within the Pagan community.  At least, annoying to me. 

We've established that there is a ton of information out there from all sorts of sources.  Some info supports other info wile others contradict it.  If you are new to the craft, you could be overwhelmed if you start looking up correspondence for a love spell should you reference different sources.  Which is right?  Which is wrong?  Are any of the answers correct? do have correspondence info that I've pulled from different sources and I also have this amazing book, but I also rely on my personal instincts and previous experiences. 

Someone, at some point in time, somewhere, decided that the color red was associated with love and passion.  I'm sure they had their reasons but those may not be the same as mine.  I do related the color red to love and passion but also to blood, courage, and pain.  Correspondence info only works if you believe in it because no matter what anyone has said, you can only do so much magick if you aren't personally invested in the tools and items you are using.

I'm not saying you should totally disregard the generally accepted information out there but make sure that it jives with you.  Question it.  Experiment.  Let your gut give you guidance.  And also know that your selection may change over time or even with each use.

It is part of the process that we grow and change. 

The exception is if you are following a specific tradition.  If that is the case, most traditions have their own correspondence information for the Sabbats, colors, moon phases, elements, etc.   It would be recommended that you abide by your tradition's rules and information.  If something doesn't seem right to you, explore the reasons why you feel this way and then speak to someone - preferably your teacher or mentor - to determine if this can be remedied or if you are to follow that tradition to the letter.


Week 4 - the letter "B" is for Books
(I'm falling behind but this is an attempt to catch up.  Not sure if I will but I am going to keep moving forward.)

Books.  I love them.  I love reading them, purchasing them, smelling them, hoarding them.  But, my Pagan library is somewhat sparse. 

It seems strange since I am such a bibliophile (modern version) but I can explain.  My Pagan books are for learning and increasing my personal knowledge of what I view as my "Shanda-ism".  My Pagan books are for reference and practicality.  Some are very near and dear to my heart, having acquired a sentimental value but most are just tools, much like candles, wands, stones, etc. 

Most are marked up with notes written in the margins.  Many have highlighted passages and pages that have been bent at the corners for a bookmark.  Some are worn and on the verge of falling apart while others are pristine. 

There is so much information out there - published books, websites, online groups, people in real life, stores - that it can be overwhelming.  And the contradiction is crazy. 

My personal belief system is uniquely my own and comes from many different areas.  It is something that I have been working on and building for the past 25+ years.  But early on, it was hard to wade through the information to determine what clicked with me.

One author would have a certain way to perform a Yule celebration while another would have a completely different, if not opposite, description on how he honored the Sabbat.  It was confusing and I was terrified of messing up.  I explored and experimented until something clicked.  Over the years, I've changed and adapted but my books - my go-to books - remain the same. 

I've also found that, unless highly recommended by very trusted and respected sources, I cannot purchase books online.  I need to look through the books to see if the info inside resonates with me and isn't something I have in at least 3 other books and recorded in my Book of Shadows.  The book must serve a purpose.

Because it has also been a while since I was a newbie, I am beyond the basics.  I need to hone my practice in my own way and is focused on trial and error more than anything.  I still love learning new things but I'm becoming more and more set in my ways. 

Books are wonderful and I will carry on a love affair with them for the rest of my days.  But they are meant to be used and enjoyed.  Otherwise, they are just useless chunks of paper, with words splashed upon the pages, and bound together. 

Friday, January 23, 2015


Week 3 - the letter "B" is for Binding
Outside of wishing on stars, eyelashes, 11:11 and when blowing out the candles on my birthday cake, my first magickal workings were very simple and basic.  Most were taken from books and I didn't customize them at all.  There wasn't much "me" in them and I wasn't always sure if they were working at all.

And then necessity took hold and action was needed. 

A good friend (H)  who I was mentoring to a certain extent, met up with a mutual acquaintance (J) and they started a relationship. At first, everything was peachy.  And then it turned...weird.  H changed a great deal and in ways that were not at all in her character.  J did everything he could to keep her away from us and all to himself. 

It wasn't completely ironic that H's resident assistant said, "it's like she under a spell or something."

I knew J was a skilled witch and he had impressed me with his abilities and knowledge.  He was truly a force to be reckoned with and I was both intimidated and afraid.  Through experience, I'd also learned that he was delusional and his knowledge was contained to a few select subjects.

When J and H didn't return from a weekend, we didn't worry until mid-week hit and no one had heard from either of them.  H's mom had even phoned with her concern about the whereabouts of her daughter.  The college administration was alerted and the police were called.  H was still legally a minor and J was not.  H finally reached out to her roommate and they were on their way to New York City.  H was out of it and making very little sense.  There was no doubt that something was wrong.

Mama Bear mode kicked in and I knew I needed to do something. 

I did a binding spell on J to stop him for doing any further harm towards H, to release the hold he had on her, and to get H back home.  I'd never done a binding and made it up as I went.  I was careful but forceful with my words and intent.  I don't remember exactly what I said or what I did but there were knots cast into the cord of a necklace he'd left behind and my emotions had reached a point of angry tears.

Less than an hour later, we got the call that H and J had been in a car accident.  Neither were severely injured but the car was a total loss and could no longer be driven.  They were being brought home.

Was it me and my spell?  I don't know but I do believe I had a part in getting H home.

Bindings, much like any magickal working, can be positive or negative (white or black, pick your contrasting terms), depending on your intention.  Essentially, a binding is a spell or magickal working that stops someone metaphysically, preventing them from completing some action.  You most often hear it used to keep a person from harming either themselves or another being.   Binding is a form of manipulative magick where the will of another person is affected by the person working the spell.  Because of this, those who follow the Rede and certain traditions would not choose to do such workings. 
In the end, bindings are just another spell and tool to use as necessary.  They should be used with caution and understanding of potential consequences.  But all actions - magickal or not - should get the same consideration. 


Week 2 - the letter "A" is for Assumptions

Since I recognized that my belief system was pagan-based, I've encountered a lot of assumptions from both pagans and non-pagans.  These assumptions run in a million and a half different directions with most being incorrect.  It's frustrating and annoying.

But I do have a question.  How does someone assuming something about me make ME an ass?  Is it because of that person's misinformation that I look less than favorable?  How does that work?  I totally understand how making an assumption can make the assuming person an ass because, by definition according to, assuming is "to take for granted or without proof."

Assumptions can lead to a positive curiosity and a great learning opportunity.  But if your exploration of the assumption is one-sided or inaccurate, you really aren't all that more educated on the topic than you where when you made your assumptions.  

People make assumptions all the time.  It's something that most everyone does.  What matters is if you take your assumptions and claim they are fact and discount anyone who says otherwise.  This is where the danger comes from.

Work on digging into your assumptions.  Ask questions and get clarifications.  Check multiple different sources.  Test it out to see if it feels "right."  Don't assume that just because I'm a Pagan and you are a Pagan that we have the same views on magick, energy, divinity, etc.   If you want to know more about what kind of Pagan I am, ask.  I'll give you as much information as I am able and clarify to the best of my ability.

Monday, January 12, 2015


Week 1 - the letter "A" is for Announcement
The Pagan Blog Project founder has decided to move on to other projects so I was feeling a little sad. I really enjoyed the past year and digging deeper into my belief system and sharing my thoughts.  Luckily, I have some amazing and diverse groups in my life and one of those groups decided to give it a shot.  Awesome.

But, I'm running behind because of issues in my personal life. It's - in my opinion - cheating some but I'm calling this my week one post. 

I'm filling the role of prompter for my lovelies and will gladly share them with anyone who is interested.  Just let me know.  In addition to prompting, I'm also the one to encourage everyone to get their, posted.  This is a shame-free event where you aren't tied to any rules, you are not obligated to post on the specified date, you don't even have to write about something Pagan or Witchy.  It's become a group of friends sharing info and thoughts with each other and we encourage everyone along the way.

The group is a private/closed group but since the prompts come from the original Pagan Blog Project and from information I've found, I can share them with others.  I just won't be adding you to the group.  

So stay tuned.  More to come.