Friday, July 11, 2014


Week 28 - the letter "N" again
net·work·ing [net-wur-king] 
noun 1. a supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest.
For reference - the state of Nebraska
Living in a predominately rural state (Nebraska) and a rural town (Kearney) makes networking a necessity.  You have to actively look for other Pagans and like-minded individuals.  We don't have a New Age/Pagan/Witch store in the town I live and only have a few in the entire state (located in Omaha and Lincoln).  Until the last year, we didn't even have a Pagan Pride Day anywhere in Nebraska.  Initially, social networking is the main way you connect to other Pagans.  Depending on where you live, an online Pagan Community may be the only option you have. Living anywhere west of Kearney, and definitely west of North Platte means little to no opportunities to meet with with other Nebraskans who share in your spirituality/faith/belief system.  

Thankfully there are decent online communities so you don't have to feel so alone.  If you are willing to drive, you can actually meet up with other Pagans.  Kearney, Omaha, and Lincoln have decent-sized communities catering to many different traditions and interests.  Pagan Communities in Grand Island and Hastings have flourished in the past but the interest seems to come and go. 

Many Pagans enjoy a solitary lifestyle in regards to their practice.  But, in my experience, even the most determined solitaire craves some face-to-face time with others who share a same or similar spirituality.  We network to learn from others, to ask and answer questions, to make friends, to feel a connection to someone else.

In Nebraska, the Pagan Communities tend to do well but they are bound to their area.  There has been little sharing of information, knowledge, and experiences.  That is something I would really like to see change and that is one of the reasons I applied to be the Local Coordinator for the Kearney Area Pagan Pride group.  Working with Pagan Pride Day Omaha, we are edging towards a more unified Pagan Community that is state-wide.  This requires the smaller town-based communities to work together.  

Social networking has helped a great deal in Nebraska.  You are able to join different groups that have a face-to-face presence even if you are far away.  There are opportunities to attend the in-person meetings, rituals, and classes, simply because they are open and also because you actually have the means to be informed that such events are occurring.  

Networking is crucial for a Pagan Community in Nebraska to be healthy and to thrive.  I would guess that it is important everywhere but I can only speak to my own experiences.  My personal responsibility to my community means that I do what I can to make those connections with other groups and other Pagans so that everyone can benefit.


  1. Coming from a very large and diversified Pagan communities, multiple Dianic and womens spirituality communities this has been absolutely essential for my mental and spiritual survival to connect with other Pagans as a Whole and other like minded women in particular. Solo work is not enough for me surrounded by a sea of Christians who dont understand or accept our practices...

    1. Networking is important for so many facets of life. I was doing okay as a solitaire but having a local community and a state-wide community has been amazing and opened up so much for me.
