Friday, March 28, 2014

Grey Witch

Week #13 - the letter "G"

Since I have discovered the term "grey witch," I have found that many people have not heard of it or don't know exactly what it is and is not.  This isn't surprising since the Pagan community as a whole does not have a set definition for many of its aspects and practices.  In the beginning of my journey on this path and as I've grown and matured, I have also wondered just what the term means.

I asked a trusted friend to help me find more on grey witchcraft and she asked for a more specific view of just what it was that I was trying to find.  Her response:
It depends on how you're defining grey magic?  This is yet another case of "there are no standardized definitions, so lots of people use these words to mean totally different things".

By some counts, most of Feri is grey magic, in that it's mostly about changing the self and working magic for "selfish" reasons, not about healing others (white) or cursing (black), although Feri can do those things too. Some say that grey magic is black magic done in an ethical way, for ethical reasons. Some say that grey magic is the stuff that's mildly manipulative, like "you totally want to trust me and buy this house" glamour, but that can be easily bypassed by a good shield, a strong will, or a healthy dose of skepticism. Some say that grey magic is all of the everyday "getting shit done magic", and white magic is prayer and black magic is seeded with violence. Some say that grey magic is any magic that can be white or black, depending on the intention and motivations of the caster.

Some traditions that work outside of a dualistic good/evil paradigm consider all of their tradition's magic to be "grey"... like some kinds of shamanism, for example, might say "Shamanism is grey magic"... though of course, Core Shamanism considers itself to be white, and some traditions consider it to be something that can go either way, and some traditions mostly use it for cursing (even for good, as in cursing away sickness), and some folks consider all shamanism to be black magic because it's spirit work. Some consider spirit work itself to be grey magic. Some say it's white magic if the spirits are angels, grey if the spirits are animals or wise/heroic ancestors, and black if they are demons or debauched ancestors.

Some black magic practitioners call their black magic "grey magic" because they don't want to admit to themselves or to others that they're doing black magic. Some magic practitioners call all of their magic "white magic" and any white or neutral magic done by people or traditions they disagree with "grey magic" because they want to feel superior about the way they do things.

So... yeah. If you can clarify what you're looking for, I can try to help vet resources.
Wow!  There is so much out there, so many different ideas on what it means to be a Grey.  I knew it was necessary for me to dig deep and define it for myself, what it means to me, and how it is incorporated into my practice.

So I set off to define what I meant when I referred to grey witches, grey witchcraft, or grey magic(k).

My practice has always been rooted in balance. When I first started off as Wiccan, I followed the Rede and knew that I was not to use spells for personal gain or work magick that would interfere with free will.  It was mentioned in every book I had.  It was The Law. 

White magick/white witches/white witchcraft = good
Black magick/black witches/black witchcraft = bad

Simple, right? Yes but it was too simple for me and never felt completely right. 

I did research and soul searching.  I wrote things down and then modified them.  I talked to people and gathered their thoughts and opinions.  There were message boards and Facebook pages.  The graphic to the right was the common theme and mindset of many of the Greys I was finding.

It clicked for the most part but I wanted something more to help me define and explain.

From the blog Eldritch Hele:
In common witchkin nomenclature, a white path witch (also known as a right hand path witch) is a witch that does good things and often follows a code of ethics (like the Wiccan rede), which is typically defined in a way to mean that they should not ever harm anything (to varying degrees) and to help other beings (to varying degrees). A black path witch (also known as a left hand path witch) is a witch that is comfortable harming other beings and who's focus, typically, is primarily on self rather than others. The idea that there could be an in between is kind of foreign to both sides and they do often see each other in extreme lights.
Enter the grey path witch (also known as a middle path, crooked path or twisting path witch). A grey path witch finds harming or helping others both acceptable and unacceptable because harm and help are subjective and there is always another side or ten to a situation. 
Now we are getting there.  It's starting to round out and make even more sense.  More research.  More deep, reflective work.  More time.

So here is what it means for me:
  • I do not abide by the Wiccan Rede because it isn't logical to me.  I do use it as a guide, knowing that even the best of intentions can result in disaster which can and will harm.   
  • If I need to defend or protect those I love, I will do so with whatever means I possess.  This may include taking a proactive approach and making the first move.
  • I may refuse to heal or help if I view the outcome of doing so to be that for which I do not want to be responsible.
  • There are multiple sides to every situation.  I am able to see how something the majority views as evil or bad may have acceptable motivation.  I may not agree but can see it and know it is not my place to judge others.
  • I embrace the dark and the light and know that one cannot exist without the other. 
I like this and the simple beauty in how it sums it up.

I dance with the veils and walk in the mists. Light is my heart and darksome is my shadow.  Mistress of my duality, centered in divine neutrality.  Queen of my soul, I am my own North star.  I walk the path of wisdom, and my teacher resides within.  Hidden inside are my mysteries, I am a Priestess of the inner temple.  I am a Gray Witch.

NOTE:  I prefer the spelling of "Grey" with an "e" vs. "Gray" with an "a".  It's a personal preference and, to my knowledge, does not indicate something different with the different spelling.


  1. there are times to be on the offensive I believe when necessary ,in fact I think we should be more proactive in our system

  2. I like spelling it with an "e" as well. It's the British spelling. :) I think there's a lot of pressure on people to be perfect, do perfect, act perfect. Opening up the options gives people breathing room and a chance to define themselves based on their own experiences. Whenever you have absolutes, you have the notion that you need to be all or none. "Well, I can't be perfect, so I must be evil." This gives people a break and a chance to find themselves. (I read all your blog posts, I just don't always comment. I enjoy them very much.)

    1. I like how you put that. And I couldn't agree more. While some situations seem to be very black and white, there is generally room for some one to argue "but what if...". I'm glad you read and enjoy my blog. Comments are always welcome and appreciated but so not necessary. xoxo
