Friday, August 22, 2014


Week 34 - the letter "Q" again
Some of the moments that I feel most connected to the universe and all that it contains are times when all is quiet.  Truly, completely quiet.  By this, I mean all you can hear are natural sounds - the wind in the trees, the rush of blood through your body, the beat of your heart, a dog in the distance.  And you mind, it's as quiet as possible.  In those moments, how can you not feel connected to each and every plant, animal, human being...everything that exists in this world and maybe even in the next?

While it is an annoyance (especially in the summer when the air conditioning and fans aren't working), there are moments when we have lost power in our neighborhood.  The quiet is so amazing.  You forget how many sounds are just there - the hum of the refrigerator, the heating/cooling units, even a light bulb.  You don't notice these everyday sounds overly much on a day-to-day basis but when they are gone, it's almost as though the quiet is too loud.  But in those moments, you are really able to hear and listen to the world around you and everything your soul is trying to say.  You can truly hear your heart and your mind and there is immense beauty in being able to truly and completely do that.

Some people are extremely uncomfortable being quiet or having things quiet.  I'm the type of person who is comfortable with being quiet and remaining in quiet locations.  I'm perfectly fine keeping company with my thoughts and whatever random sounds just happen to make themselves known.  While I can be chatty, I don't need to have constant sounds or words surrounding me.  Of course I do have moments when I need noise (generally as a distraction), but the quiet times are such blessings.

In my studies of the Feri tradition, there is something called "sitting practice."  It is taking the time to be mindful of yourself and all that is around you.  It is similar to mediation but also different, although I don't really know how to explain those differences but feel and know they are two different things in my interpretation and practice.  I am able to immerse myself in the quiet when I do my sitting practice. 

I think it is important that everyone embraces the quiet.  There is so much to learn and to feel when you just let your own body and the natural world take focus on what you hear.  It has provided me many moments of clarity and deep spiritual connection. 


  1. One of my favorite places to be quiet is in the middle of a bunch of trees, listening to the slough of the wind through the leaves. We don't have a lot of quiet in our modern lives but there are still moments when you can intentionally seek it out.

    I love your blog posts. Keep them coming, I'm learning a lot!

    1. I love that as well. Trees are just my...bliss. Our home is surrounded by them so I love it.

      I'm glad you are enjoying my posts.
