Saturday, November 1, 2014


Week 44 - the letter "V" again
The blog suggestions for the week didn't inspire me.  I thought about aspects of my spirituality that I could write about and I struggled.  I looked through lists of words - the strange and unique, pagan, spiritual, and more.  When I hit on the word "verbatim" I cringed and my mind started churning. 
verbatim [ver-bey-tim] 
1. in exactly the same words; word for word

2. corresponding word for word to the original source or text
3. skilled at recording or noting down speeches, proceedings, etc.
First, I need to admit my own guilt:  I used to take spells and rituals directly from other sources and use them exactly as written.  You too?  Whew! 

When I first started on the Pagan path, I had no clue what I was doing.  I didn't know what was right, what
was wrong, what was stupid.  I was winging it and too afraid to completely follow my instincts and go with what felt right to me.  Instead, I used the words of Scott Cunningham and Raven Grimassi and numerous other Pagan authors.  

And that worked for me for quite some time even though it never felt quite right and I wasn't feeling what I imagined I would and should.

Slowly, I started studying.  And from my studies, I became more confident in myself.  Those words that I used to use verbatim gave me a strong foundation and a sense of confidence.  I started to practice and wing it, all the while following my head and heart.  I began to craft my own path.

And I began to feel those things that I had imagined I would and should.

It was amazing!

I don't have issues with people who use spells or rituals directly from others and use them in their practice.  There are some chants and prayers that I still use that are not my own and they completely move me and make me feel the magick.  But I have found that there is something very powerful in using your own words, your own structure, your own ideas.  Your soul is reflected in your creation and that, in itself, is a very powerful and personal form of magick.  And it is one that is difficult to experience when the work is not your own creation.

There are many sources out there.  You can use what you find exactly as it was written.  You can copy and paste lines and paragraphs to create something new.  You can use existing materials and sub in different words and phrases.  Any time you put your own twist on something, it gains personal power.

There is nothing wrong with using materials from other people.  But there is such an immense power in making something your own.  Don't be afraid to try.  Start small and build up to something completely your own.  It is worth it and will help your practice grow deeper and become more personal and spiritual.

I still turn to others at times.  I may copy and paste bits and pieces and/or sub in different words or phrases.  And I am perfectly fine with doing so.  But nothing truly compares to performing a ritual that was crafted by my own hand.  It's an important part of my practice to be as connected to, and invested in, my workings and all aspects of my spirituality.

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